show the complete name of selected filter for gadgets

Issue #103 resolved
Bill Sheboy created an issue

Greetings! As always, thanks for your excellent product!

Many teams use descriptive names for saved filters, and so they tend to get longer in length. This helps as the number of filters grows to support dashboard gadgets.

Unfortunately the Great Gadgets only show the first few characters of the name once it has been selected, and there is no “tool tip”/fly-over pop-up to show the complete filter name. Selecting the field does not help, as this appears to reset the filter name rather than initially populating the field with the currently selected filter.

Please consider improving the filter selection/field so the full name is visible. Thank you!

Best regards,


Comments (2)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    The issue is now fixed on Cloud. A tooltip has been added to the filter and dashboard selectors.

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