add units of measure indicator for Advanced Issue Filter Formula Gadget

Issue #122 resolved
Bill Sheboy created an issue


What do you think of adding an optional units of measure setting for the display values? For example:

  • currency: $ 123.45
  • percentage: 67 %
  • story points: 89 SP
  • count: 123 issues
  • time: 45 hours
  • etc.
  • and, user-defined: 678.90 km/hour

Thanks, and kind regards,

Comments (15)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Thanks Bill. This is a great proposal. We intend to implement it in the near future.


  2. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    This is done. We extended the gadget by adding the Suffix & Prefix options to the displayed values. They allow specifying a unit of measure (user-defined, up to 5 chars) that is displayed before and/or after the calculated value.

    Please let us know how this works for you.


  3. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Hi Danut,

    That is certainly better! The suffix value is a bit short in length (5 chars), particularly as it requires adding a leading-space if desired after the value (before the UOM). And, when I tried to put in a common value like “calendar days” or “cal. days” that cannot fit. Currently I can work-around that by putting the UOM in the Label instead.

    Keep up the great improvements!

    Kind regards,

  4. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for the feedback. We increased that limit to 10 chars.

    Is it better now?


  5. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Hi Danut,

    I just tried it again and it still looks like the prefix and suffix are still limited to 5 characters.


  6. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    Sorry for this. We corrected the problem.

    Can you please confirm that it is now OK?


  7. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Hi, Danut!

    Well…it does what I asked. :^) And it appears the scaling makes it tricky to decide what to use for longer values, the UOM or the description. It seems the length sets the scale and text wrapping is independent of that. Here are some examples:

    Thanks for your support!


  8. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    The font size adjusts automatically to fit the entire text in one row (80% of the row size, more exactly). If you use a long unit of measure, this will result in decreasing the font size used for the displayed value (and the one for meaning). That’s why, initially, we avoided to allow long suffix/prefix values… The data meaning is displayed on max two rows; it will reduces the font if the text is too long in order to fit the two lines.

    You have to resize the gadget or to make it to display less values in one row (by reconfiguring it to display 1, 2 or 4 values in total). Or do not use such a long UM.


  9. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Thanks, Danut.

    It does appear the displayed value and meaning lines are coupled, if you compare my first and third examples (where the meaning text was unchanged). As implemented, we will probably avoid the prefix/suffix values as it makes the displayed values too small for longer UOM text.

    Thanks again!


  10. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    This has been implemented some time ago. Prefix and suffix for specifying unit measures have been added.

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