Burnup & burndown chart showing incorrectly

Issue #126 resolved
Balaji Ganesan created an issue

Hi Team

We have received a incident from specific user who is facing incorrect data showing in Burnup & burndown chart gadget - however for all user it is showing correctly, we have asked the user to clear the cache but the user is still facing the issue ? - please refer the screenshot?


Note: we have enabled the option to refreshed the cache in the respective gadget - But still issue is perisiting.

Comments (9)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Balaji,

    Thanks for posting.

    This can happen if the user does not have permissions over all the projects that host the issues returned by the filter.

    To confirm, please ask the user to run (in Jira) the filter used by the gadget and note down the number of issues returned. Then, run the same filter in Jira with the user for which the gadget displays correct numbers and compare the number of issues returned.

    If the user in question receives less issues, then it is a problem with the permissions. Grant the necessary permissions over all the projects returned by the gadget filter.

    Please let me know if this works.


  2. Balaji Ganesan reporter

    Hi Danut,

    Thanks for your response -we have checked and could see there is no mismatch form the user end both the filter results looks same - could you please check and let us what causing the issues?


  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Balaji,

    I will setup a meeting with the specified user.

    I had to remove your previous comment because it contains sensitive user data (GDPR policy).


  4. Balaji Ganesan reporter

    Hi could you please provide meeting link so that we could forward to the affected user to join the call.

  5. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Balaji,

    I am going to send the meeting link over the email to the provided email address of the affected user.

    I assume that you also want to join. What is your email address?

    As you can see, we need this kind of info, which is pretty confidential and inappropriate to be shared in this public support ticket. That’s why I asked you to contact us over email at support@stonikbyte.com…


  6. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    According to Balaji, the issue got fixed automatically after some refresh.

    Closing the ticket for now. Please reopen if the issue persists.

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