Experiencing slowness in Great gadget addon

Issue #133 resolved
Sattar Baig created an issue

Hi Team,

we have added Team velocity, lead time gadgets and experiencing slowness while loading the gadgets. Could you please troubleshoot this issue.

Please find the attached screenshot as reference



Comments (14)

  1. amit anand


    Let us know if any update in filter required or any optimization needed from admin side.

    As i can see this gadget is taking too much time to load


    Amit Anand

  2. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Sattar,

    What version of Great Gadgets do you have? Also, what Jira version and database type?

    @Amit: the request from the picture that you attached does not seem to be from our app. Can you please provide the entire text, because it is not entirely visible in the screenshot provided.

    Your Jira server might not have enough resources. Can you please check the resources usage on Jira and database server?

    Also, try removing the gadgets one by one to see if the performance improves.


  3. amit anand

    Hi Danut,

    Version of Gadget is Version:1.33.0.

    We have updated buffer cache Memory also.


    Amit Anand

  4. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Amit,

    Not sure how exactly to help here based on the info provided.

    As mentioned before, I need the full text of the Request column from your picture. Also, you should try removing the gadgets from the dashboard one by one to see which one (if any) is causing the performance issues.

    The issue seems specific to your environment, as no other customers using the app reported a similar issue...

    Perhaps is better to have a Zoom meeting so that I can have look over the gadgets configuration, filters used, Jira environment etc and troubleshoot. Would this be OK? If so, please contact us at support@stonikbyte.com for scheduling a Zoom call.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  5. Sattar Baig reporter

    Hi Danut,

    Could you please schedule a zoom meeting on next week 4-1-2022 and also send meeting invitation.

    Please let me know if you have any Queries.



  6. Sattar Baig reporter

    Hi Danut,

    As we discussed on last meeting, you suggested us to increase database pool size to 40. we did the same the issue still exist.

    Please let me know if you have any Queries.



  7. Sattar Baig reporter

    Hi Danut,

    • We have reproduced the issue again, but the issue still exist.
    • We are planning to increase RAM from 16GB to 24GB either DB server or Application server. Please suggest which one to increase (application or DB)

    Please find the attached screenshot as reference



  8. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Sattar,

    The charts look good. Can you please also provide the atlassian-jira.log file so we can check for eventual errors? Please sent it over email at support@stonikyte.com because this is a public ticket.

    I remember that during our Zoom call the RAM usage was good on both application and database server, but the CPU usage was high on database server. So my advice is to add more CPUs to database server.

    If the issue persists, we should schedule another Zoom call.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  9. Sattar Baig reporter

    Hi Danut,

    • Previously, I have shared screenshot of Database Monitoring Jira Test Server.
    • Today, We have increased CPU utilization from “4 to 8”,RAM from "16 TO 24GB" on Jira DB production server and also we changed database pool size to 40. But it is not replicating on Jira Production server.
    • Could you please schedule a meeting for this Issue.

    Please find the attached screenshot, support zip file as reference….


    Thanks &Regards, Sattar Baig

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