Only Sub-task story points

Issue #134 resolved
Nicolás Reynoso created an issue

Can only the sub-tasks story points be included? We are story pointing both, sub-tasks and the related tasks would be a sum of those sub-tasks.

Comments (4)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Nicolás,

    Thanks for posting.

    This is not possible on the current version but we will check to see if it could be done.

    What Jira do you have: Server / Data Center or Cloud?


  2. Nicolás Reynoso reporter

    Thank you for your quick answer, it is cloud!

    I will be more than happy to try your plugin again if this feature can be added (or If I find another way on my process so it can be useful).

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    We added “JQL” as a data source type in many of our gadgets, which means that you can configure the gadget to include only sub-tasks by adding “ and issueType in subTaskIssueTypes()“ in the JQL string.

    However, this option is not available in Sprint Burndown and Velocity Chart, which are based in sprints (instead of filter/JQL). For these, this request is a “Won't do'“.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

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