Team Velocity gadget -- App Processing Error

Issue #137 resolved
Former user created an issue

I’m receiving the following error message when using the Team Velocity gadget …

Great Gadgets App Processing Error

Something went wrong while processing your request. The action you were trying to execute could not be completed successfully. The server returned: Error ID 1643298871663 - 242 2 2 2022 fieldStoryPoints false false null null false - could not determine the id of the calculationFieldId

My gadget configuration is attached (JPG & PDF)

Can you provide some troubleshooting insight on this issue?

Comments (10)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for posting.

    From the error it appears that the app cannot detect the Story Points field from your Jira instance.

    This could happen when the field Story Points does not exist, it was renamed or maybe when multiple fields with the same name exist.

    Can you please try reconfiguring the gadget and instead of the Story Points item from the top of the list from “Calculate by” scroll down and pick other “Story Points” item, if available. Try also setting “Calculate by“ to Issue Count and let us know if it works.

    Also, please open this URL ( and then copy and send to us the JSON data returned, so that we can check if the field exists or it is duplicated.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    I modified the “Calculate by” first selecting the “Story Points Estimate” item, and then by selecting the “Issue Count” item; both of these items were processed, and both produced data BUT only the “Issue Count” produced data that *appeared* to be correct. I will attach/email screenshots of each.

    However, the charted results from “Issue Count” is incorrect; in other words, the reported velocity for the two Sprints (and, therefore, the calculated average velocity) is incorrect. I will attach/email additional information which illustrates the error. Note: The correct Velocity data/chart is shown in the Atlassian chart

  3. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Hello Danut, I replied in the Issue itself (including attachments), but I’m resending those attached images in a ZIP file. Hopefully, you’ll receive all of this information. With regard to the JSON data, I simply pasted it into a TXT file. Please let me know if I should do something different.

    Thanks for your help ---Bill

    Bill Bruce Scrum Master, CSM

    Churchill Downs Inc. 600 N. Hurstbourne Parkway Louisville, KY 40222 Office: 502-394-1117 Cell: 760-443-1407

    [churchill downs logo]

  4. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Hello Danut – Did you receive my screenshots and files for this Issue? If not, please let me know how/where I deliver this information.

    Otherwise, please keep me posted re: next steps. Regards, Bill

    Bill Bruce Scrum Master, CSM

    Churchill Downs Inc. 600 N. Hurstbourne Parkway Louisville, KY 40222 Office: 502-394-1117 Cell: 760-443-1407

    [churchill downs logo]

  5. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for sending all this info.

    From what I see in the TXT file, the custom field Story Points exists. But the app seems unable to detect it; it might be a permissions problem.

    I propose to have a Zoom call to have a look. Are you available in the next hours? If you agree, please send an email to ““ with your availability and I will send an invite shortly.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

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