Wallpaper Dashboards with JS errors

Issue #14 resolved
Hannes Mehr created an issue

A Dashboard with Great Gadgets failing to load with an JS error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token &
    at eval (<anonymous>)
    at batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=de-DE:69
    at Function.globalEval (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=de-DE:69)
    at HTMLScriptElement.<anonymous> (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=de-DE:181)
    at Function.each (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=de-DE:70)
    at init.domManip (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=de-DE:180)
    at init.append (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=de-DE:175)
    at gadgetHtml (batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=de-DE:5995)
    at batch.js?adg3Enabled=true&locale=de-DE:6001
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

Sometimes the widgets fail to load in the dashboard with this message:

Error: The content resolver threw the following error: Unable to retrieve addon module URL. Please check your specified module key.

Comments (13)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi. Thanks for posting. Could please specify which browser do you have? Could you please try in other browsers? Also, is this Jira Server or Jira Cloud?


  2. Hannes Mehr reporter


    i´ve tried with Chrome 67.0.3396.99 and Firefox 61.0.1 on Mac OS und Iceweasel (latest) on Raspian. Also tried Safari 11.1.2.

    Edit: its the cloud version

  3. test


    Just to add some more information here. The gadgets are failing with the following error :

    error gadget.png


    Ramon Atlassian Cloud Support

  4. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hannes, the JS error that you initially reported occurs when you try to run the gadgeds in wallboard mode. Our gadgets are not wallboard capable yet - so this is mode is not supported yet. We plan to make them wallboard capable in the near future, but I can’t provide an ETA at this time.

  5. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Ramon, the error you mentioned is different than the one in this issue report. It most probably occurs because the filter used in the gadget is not shared, please check. If the issue persists, please open a new ticket for further investigation.

  6. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Fixed momentarily only for Jira Server (gadgets are wallboard compatible in version 1.1.3 released on 16-SEP-2018).

  7. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Unfortunately, we cannot fix this for Jira Cloud. This is a current limitation of Jira Cloud and it is not under our control. Other Atlassian vendors reported the same error for their add-on gadgets on Jira Cloud.

    A ticket exists for this issue at Atlassian. All we can do is to vote that ticket with the hope that Atlassian will fix it soon:


    Please vote the issue at the link above.

  8. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    I am happy to inform you all that, with our help, Atlassian has fixed the Jira Cloud defect that prevented the gadgets to work in wallboard mode:  JRACLOUD-65314.
    All the gadgets should now be properly displayed in wallboard mode in your Jira Cloud instance.

    On Server / Data Center they were already functional. So this issue is now resolved.

    Thank you,
    Danut Manda

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