"Sprint Burnup Burndown Chart" jira gadget BUG (when configured to show subtask points)

Issue #140 resolved
Jason Galea created an issue


I have received the message below from a deev manager who is having issues using this addon.

Hi Jason,

Can you please raise a defect against this gadget?

As you may recall, the main reason we want to use this (rather than the standard jira sprint burndown) is its ability to reflect the burndown value of subtasks in a story.  This helps a team know how they are going during a sprint.

However, when its configured this way, it SEEMS like it counts the subtasks points AND the story points.

This means the burndown looks right as subtasks are closed, but when the STORY is closed, its counting all the subtasks PLUS the story itself (which is dumb, as the story is simply the total of all subtasks).

For example, a story with 2 subtasks of point value 3 and 5 (closed in that order) will be shown by this gadget as 3, 5 and then 16 (3 + 5 + (3+5)).

Attached Image 1 - Graphically – this is the gadget configured NOT to show subtask estimates

Attached Image 2 - This is the gadget (at the same point in the sprint) configured to SHOW subtasks estimates.

Would you be able to add Rob Sams (Robert.Sams@Gamesys.co.uk) as a participant of this ticket and respond please?


Comments (3)

  1. Jason Galea reporter

    Please let me know if you require an SEN number. I wont post it here since tickets are public.

  2. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for posting.

    I can confirm that the gadget counts both the story points estimate from sub-tasks + the story points estimate on parent story. This is by design.

    That’s why the option for including sub-tasks is named “Count ALSO the sub-tasks and their estimate“ and not “Count ONLY the sub-tasks and their estimate“.

    The main reason is that there might be cases when the sprint contains stories that do not have sub-tasks but have their own estimate AND stories with sub-tasks but with the estimate on sub-tasks and not on parent stories.

    There are a couple of workarounds to avoid this problem and to make the gadget display accurate numbers:

    1. Do not set story points on Stories that are split on sub-tasks with story points;
    2. Use a separated numerical custom field (like “SubTask Story Points“) for estimating the sub-tasks and configure the gadget to calculate by this numerical field.

    My suggestion is to use option one.

    Please let me know if any of these work for you.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

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