Error creating velocity chart after migrating Jira server to cloud

Issue #146 resolved
Kim Hassan created an issue


We are migrating from Jira server to cloud. We initially tested using the migration assistant approach and learned there were issues with the status being recognized. We have now used the XML import. When we try to create a velocity chart using Great Gadgets we get the following error (using version1.1.51-AC):

Great Gadgets App Processing Error

Something went wrong while processing your request. The action you were trying to execute could not be completed successfully. The server returned: Error ID 1649710455385 - 96 3 3 fieldStoryPoints false false null null false - could not determine the id of the sprintCustomField

Comments (5)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Kim,

    Thanks for posting.

    In this case the error is “could not determine the id of the sprintCustomField“. The app tries to identify the Sprint field, but with no success. This can have multiple causes.

    First, please check the permissions of your migrated projects. Open a migrated project, go to Project Settings > Permissions and check if its permission scheme grants permissions to “Project Role (atlassian-addons-project-access)”. By default, in Jira Cloud, this role has all the permissions granted in order for the apps to work.

    If the permissions are missing, grant at least Browse Project and Manage Sprints permissions to “Project Role (atlassian-addons-project-access)” and try again to see if this fixes the issue.

    Second, this could also occur due to import. More exactly, after import, you might have multiple “Sprint“ fields in you Jira instance. Or, there is no “Sprint“ field at all.

    To check this, please open this URL in your browser (it returns the list with the fields from the Jira instance), then copy the returned JSON data in a text file and send it to us over email at so we can check.


  2. Kim Hassan reporter

    Thank you for the information. I confirmed the “Project Role (atlassian-addons-project-access)” does have permissions. I also used the URL you provided to get the field data. Our sprint field is named strangely due to an old greenhopper addon from Jira server.

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Kim,

    Thanks for sending the data.

    Apparently, there is no ‘Sprint’ field. Please to to Jira Settings > Issues > Custom Fields and rename field ‘' into 'Sprint’.

    Then please try reloading the gadget. The error should no longer occur.


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