Issues with the loading the gadget

Issue #147 resolved
Arjunsingh Hajari created an issue

Hi Team,

We can see an error when the Gadget tries to load not sure what’s fishy here

Can you let us know why we are facing this issue?

error message

Great Gadgets App Error

Something went wrong while processing your request. The action you were trying to execute could not be completed successfully. Ajax call error. <strong>Please contact StonikByte at with the contents of the browser web console and the Jira logs for assistance regarding this problem</strong>. The message is: Error calling ws method for getting velocity chart

We are using the Jira data centre with version 8.20.7 there is no option to select the datacenter version on this form.

App Version 1.37.0



Comments (1)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    This seems outdated; it might be resolved over an email thread with our support team. If it's still an issue, please reopen this ticket.


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