Team Velocity Chart for scrum board is incorrect for latest sprint

Issue #169 resolved
Bill Sheboy created an issue

All prior sprints are correct but the “completed” count is incorrect for the latest sprint, 112. This can be confirmed by comparing to the built-in Jira chart

Comments (8)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for reporting this issue.

    We reverted a recent change that could cause the wrong calculation.

    Could you please check “Refresh cached data at next display” and tell us if it makes any difference?

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  2. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Hi, Danut Manda!

    I enabled the Refresh cached data at next display option, saved and that initially did not help. Then I cleared it, saved, and then re-enabled it along with Update every 15 minutes and that seems to have fixed the display for now.


  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Thanks Bill.

    Most probably the Refresh cached data at next display option was not actually considered by the gadget, it can happen if you try this while of right after gadget loading.

    Please reopen the ticket if the issue persists.


  4. Katie Nix

    This says resolved but I am still having issues with the COMPLETED value being incorrect for the current sprint. All other velocity measures / calculations show 38 completed story points and 57 total sprint points while the TEAM VELOCITY GADGET only shows 26 /45 respectively:

    Could this be reopened?

  5. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Hi Danut M,

    What is the plan for the existing open issues submitted by people? Will they be ported over to JSM or do we need to recreate them?

    Kind regards,

  6. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    They will remain active for now. However, we will not accept new issue reports here.

    We might import them in the new issue tracker (JSM) at some point.


    Danut M.

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