Advanced Issue Filter Formula Gadget, not saving filters

Issue #170 resolved
Xggo Bfuljov created an issue

When editing a already created Advanced Issue Filter Formula Gadget the values for the Filter are lost, making us have to select all filters again.

Comments (4)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Xggo Bfuljov ,

    Thanks for posting.

    From the screen-shoot provided, it appears that the issue is happening when using the app in Confluence. Can you please confirm?

    I tested on a test instance and I am unable to reproduce it.

    This could potentially happen if the gadget was added with an older app version and now, on latest version, it does not read properly the setting from the old (stored) configuration. Is it still happening if you select the filters, then click Save and then go back to edit setting? Does it happen also for a newly added gadget to the page?

    Thank you,

    Danut M.

  2. Xggo Bfuljov reporter

    Hi @Danut M [StonikByte]

    Yes this is in confluence, the fact is that now its not happening anymore after on the newly added gadgets, redoing the ones already created solved the problem.

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