WBS Gadget not working as expected

Issue #19 resolved
Anna Henke created an issue

The WBS gadget displays expandable issues for us when I define a filter "project = "my project". As I only want to see Epics I have extended the filter to "project = "my project" and type = MMF", as MMF is our Epic type. The tree is not expandable after reaching the MMFs (=Epics).

Comments (5)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    The gadget displays the issues if they are returned by your filter. You can expand the Epics when using the project filter, because the filter returns also the issues from the epics. When using a filter that includes only the epics the gadget will not show the issues in epics - so the epics will not be expanded. This is expected.

    So the solution is to use a filter that includes all the issues that you want to display: a project filter, a filter by version, etc

  2. Anna Henke reporter

    Thank you, Danut, that makes sense. So I adapted my filter to return Epics and Stories of one project. Now the epics are expandable and display their corresponding stories, but the tree still has a parent node with the name of my filter, then a node "No epic" and under that folder all my epics are displayed.

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    This issue is fixed in version 1.1.3 release on 16-SEP-2018. The WBS gadget will now properly displayed the data even if Epic issue type was renamed by Jira admin.

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