In work breakdowns, sort issues at the same level by rank

Issue #22 resolved
Leila Pearson created an issue

In order to be able to show the order in which work should be done, as a Great Gadgets User I want the Work Breakdown structure to display with all of the level one items in Rank Order, and similarly for nested items so that all nested items in one group are displayed in rank order.


Our work consists of Initiatives that contain Epics which in turn contain Requirements, Tasks and Bugs, which in turn contain sub-tasks and sub-bugs. Within each Initiative we work on the Epics in rank order. Also within an Epic we may rank order the requirements, tasks, and bugs.

We have created a dashboard that shows a Work Breakdown gadget for each active initiative. The ability to visualize the work in each initiatives is a huge help to us. The only problem is the epics seem to show up in kind of a random order. Each epic represents a bucket of work that is prioritized together, and the epics need to be tackled in priority order but we don't seem to be able to show that in the work breakdown.

Given that each work breakdown is based on a filter query, I was hoping I could just apply an "ORDER BY RANK ASC" to the filter query and epics in the work breakdown (which appear at level 1 ) would automatically appear in rank order. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case.

It would really help us with our planning if the functionality could be tweaked to respect the rank order.

Note: In case you're curious how we're managing to get only the issues that belong to an initiative into the WBS query, we're using the JQL Search Extensions add-on with JQL subqueries.

Comments (5)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Leila,

    Thanks for posting and for clearly describing this need. We implemented your request and just deployed a new version. The items in WBS gadget are now sorted by Rank at every level.


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