Burndown doesn't consider remaining estimate

Issue #37 resolved
Daniel Jurassic created an issue

Hi there,

we are testing your gadget (1.4.0-RC2) on our JIRA Server 8.0.2.

As we found out, the remaining working hours in the burndown gadget doesn't consider the remaining estimate values.

Please correct me, if i'm wrong...

The formular for the remaining work in your gadget is:

SUM original estimate - SUM original estimate of all ticket in status categorie "done"


If yes, why you dont use the values in die remaining estimate field?

Example: 2 weeks sprint

a story with 800 hour of work.

progress in the first week 400 hours.

the result, when i take a look on the burndown gadget after the first week >>> the whole team didn't work, because the story hasn't a status in category "done"...

In our opinion the remaing work in the gadget has to be the sum of the values in the remaining estimate field. Because...

... there is a difference between the raw data in JIRA and the gadget

... the work, which is logged before the story get's a status of category "done", isn't visible in the burndown

thanks a lot for your help.

regards Daniel

Comments (10)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Daniel,

    Indeed, the gadget works as you described:

    Remaining = Current Scope (sum of Original Time Estimate for all issues in the filter) - Total Burned (sum of Original Time Estimate for items that are "done"). The remaining line decreases when an issue is moved in a "done" state.

    It is like this because by Agile principles "Done means DONE!" The remaining decreases when you have that backlog item in a "done" status, which means that all the work for that item is finished. This is how the progress is usually measured in agile.

    Jira's burndown chart works the same if you configure your Scrum board to use: Estimation Statistic = Original Time Estimate Time Tracking = None


    It seems that you are using a different practice, which is more related to the second Time Tracking option "Remaining Estimate and Time Spent" available in the Jira Scrum boards configuration...

    We will analyze to see if we can accommodate your scenario. We are not going to change the existing functionality of the existing "Original Time Estimate" calculation method of the Release Burndown / Burnup gadget, because this would impact the other customers that already use it as is. Instead, we will consider adding a new calculation method to the gadget, something like "By Remaining Estimate and Time Spent" to keep it consistent with Jira.

    We will treat it as a feature request. Currently, due to other priorities we cannot provide an ETA but we will consider it for a future release.

  2. Daniel Jurassic reporter

    Hi Danut,

    thanks for your reply.

    You are right, we use the second option “remaing estimate and time spent” in all our projects.



  3. Ian Masters


    Just adding my vote for this on the sprint and release burndown gadgets. The lag in the remaining work that this introduces really limits your visibility of emerging problems - especially over the course of a short sprint.

    Any chance of getting this enhancement added soon?



  4. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    This has been released in version 1.23.0 on 09-MAR-2021. Also released for Cloud version.

    We enhanced the Sprint Burnup Burndown Chart and Release Burnup Burndown Chart gadgets by adding a new option “Time Remaining & Time Spent“ to their “Calculate by” field.

    In this case, the Current Scope will be calculated as the sum of the Time Spent and Time Remaining of all the issues from the filter. Burned is calculated as the sum of Time Spent of all the issues from the filter, plus the sum of Time Remaining of all the issues from the filter that are done. Remaining is calculated as Current Scope minus Burned. This option does not consider the Original Estimate field.


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