Issue Filter Formula gadget displays time tracking fields in seconds

Issue #4 resolved
John Price created an issue

We want to use this gadget to show total time spent on (for example) production support, so we are doing Sum of Time Spent. Since JIRA stores time tracking fields in seconds internally, the gadget displays very large values (in seconds) for sums. It would be nice if the gadget applied similar UI logic to what JIRA uses and showed hours. For example I'm seeing a value like this for the one test issue I'm summing:


but on the JIRA issue it shows

5 hours, 30 minutes

You could either handle these fields specially (time logic), or add the ability to apply a simple formula to the sum. We'd be happy to be able to specify "SUM / 3600".

Steps to reproduce:

1) Create a saved filter that returns issues that have work logged, like timespent is not EMPTY 2) On a dashboard, add the Issue Filter Formula gadget and select the filter. 3) Choose Calculation Field = Time Spent and Formula = Sum. 4) Save the gadget.

Expected: Total time spent shows in a usable format. Actual: Time spent shows a very large number (seconds).

Feel free to change to Enhancement, but we would really like to use this plugin and this is a blocker for us.

Comments (5)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi John,

    Thanks for posting. We will look for a solution. I will come back to you with an answer soon.

    Thank you, Danut.

  2. John Price reporter

    Awesome. Great plugin overall. We will do our best to keep giving you useful feedback as we try it out.

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi John,

    We are going to deploy a new version by the end of this week that will allow you to apply an extra transformation over the existing formula result. For example, "X / 3600" where "X" is the result of the formula (sum in your case).

    Thank you, Danut.

  4. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi John.

    We just deployed a new version that addresses this issue. We extended the gadget to support a math transformation of the initial result.

    Screen Shot 2017-05-24 at 1.43.15 PM.jpg

    In you case all you have to do is to enter "x/3600" in the Math Transformation field and you will transform the result in hours.


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