BLOB datatype

Issue #40 resolved
Nikolay Galushko created an issue

Appears Great Gadgets store some data in Jira database in a BLOB datatype.

This causes failure or system backup ( may be smth. else).

Please refer to the link below:

And the screenshots.

Please check and fix.

Thank you

Comments (2)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Nikolay Galushko

    We fixed this issue in version 1.5.1 by introducing a new database table named “ao_?????_sbcache_results“, which does not use the BLOB type. Unfortunately the active objects framework used by Jira does not seem to remove the old table automatically. So please manually drop the old table “ao_?????_sbcache_result“ from the Jira database because it is no longer used. After this, the backup error should no longer occur.

    Let me know if this solved the issue.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

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