Team Velocity Gadget not working

Issue #42 closed
Venkat Prasad created an issue

We are keep getting these errors, Can you please help us fixing this issue permanently?


Something went wrong while processing your request. The action you were trying to execute could not be completed successfully. Received http error code 401. Access to /rest/agile/1.0/board/6514/configuration is not authorized. The id of this error is: 2326079451877491

Comments (4)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Venkat Prasad

    This error occurs when the add-on attempts to obtain the configuration of the Agile board that has id 6524.

    Possible causes are:

    • the Agile board no longer exists
    • the current Jira user does not have permissions to access that board

    Please check if it is one of the cases above. You can try this URL in your browser:

    <Jira Base URL>/rest/agile/1.0/board/6514/configuration

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  2. Venkat Prasad reporter

    Hi @Danut M [StonikByte] ,

    Agile board exists! I am jira admin and have full access to agile board.

    Can you please help us fixing on high priority?

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Please try the following in this order:

    • enable disable the Great Gadgets add-on
    • share the agile board and the filter of the board with Anyone
    • copy existing board and reconfigure the gadget to use the new board - btw, does this happen for all boards or just for this one (6514)?
    • upgrade to the latest add-on version 1.7.0

    If the issue persists, take the atlassian-jira.log and the result of these URLs and send it to so we can investigate further:

    • <Jira Base URL>/rest/agile/1.0/board/6514/configuration
    • <Jira Base URL>/rest/agile/1.0/board/6514

    We did not receive other complaints about this issue. So we suspect that it is something specific to your environment.


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