Calculate by Story Points does not work, can't determine id of storyPointsCustomField

Issue #43 resolved
Ole Langbehn created an issue

Error message: Something went wrong while processing your request. The action you were trying to execute could not be completed successfully. Could not determine the id of the storyPointsCustomField

How does the app identify the story points field? In our current setup it is called “Story-Points”.

Maybe some documentation would be helpful.

We’re on server V8.3.2

Comments (3)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Ole Langbehn ,

    Thanks for posting.

    The app determines the field’s ID by searching for its name “Story Points“, which is the default name of the field. It seems that in your Jira instance someone changed the name of the field.

    A quick workaround would be to rename the field from “Story-Points“ to “Story Points“ in Jira Administration > Issues > Custom Fields by editing the field in question. Would this be OK with you? Please note that you might need to update some of the existing filter JQL queries, if they uses the old field name “Story-Points“.

    We will also look for modifying our app to request this field somehow from the Jira admin as Jira’s API does not provide a reliable method for obtaining the ID of the field. But it might take a while until we implement it; I can’t provide an ETA at this time.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  2. Ole Langbehn reporter

    Thanks, I will change the name of the field for now, documentation or configurability would be nice.

    Feel free to close this issue if you like.

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