Release Burnup Burndown Chart: Ideal Burnup/Burndown, Forecast Burndown/Remaining not shown

Issue #44 resolved
Ole Langbehn created an issue

No matter what I try, I only see Burned, Remaining and Current Scope in the graph. Ideal Burnup/Burndown, Forecast Burndown/Remaining are not shown.

Comments (18)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Ole,

    What app version do you have? Please make sure that you have the latest 1.8.1.

    Please check the option “Refresh cached data at next display“ in the gadgets’s settings screen and refresh the gadget. You might have some invalid data in the cache due to the previous issue with Story Points field id.

    If the issue persists, please also provide a screenshot with the gadget settings.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  2. Ole Langbehn reporter

    I am unsure of the app version (no admin permissions), but it was installed today.

    Checking the refresh option did not change anything.

    Please see attachments for a screenshot of the configuration.

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Ole,

    The configuration looks good.

    What browser do you use? Could you please try in Chrome or another browsers, preferably in an incognito/private window?

    Please provide a screenshot like this by moving the mouse over a date. I want to see if the Ideal lines shows 0 or their are missing completely.

    It is really strange… I am unable to reproduce on my system. Please try also un-checking that option “Count also the sub-tasks and their estimate“ just to see if it makes any difference.


  4. Ole Langbehn reporter

    Hi Danut,

    I tested in Chromium and Firefox. I now unchecked the option about the sub-tasks, to no avail.

    Please see additional screenshot.

  5. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Ole,

    It seems that there is no data at all for those lines, even if their series are checked for being displayed in the gadget settings.

    Perhaps it is an issue with the stored configuration of the gadget. Please try adding a new gadget and configure it identically with the existing one and see if it makes a difference.

    Unfortunately we cannot reproduce it and it is the first time when we face with this issue. It is probably something specific to your environment. We need logs to continue…

    If the issue persists, please install this version. We added some more logging in the Java Script console that shows the values of the series.

    To install:

    • download this Jar file:
    • go to Jira Administration > Apps > Manage apps and click Upload app
    • Provide the Jar that you downloaded
    • Repeat your test scenario (reload gadget)
    • Then press CTRL+SHIFT+J in Chrome to open the Java Script Console
    • There should be a logged entry of type “warn” like the one from the attached picture. Please expand the series that are missing to see if they contain any data, take a screenshot and send it to us

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  6. Ole Langbehn reporter

    I did install the debug version, got the data. Instead of posting a screenshot, I’ll append the raw data of the log message. The only things out of the ordinary I noted is that some values expand into the future in contrast to others, and “serieForecastRemaining” only contains “NaN”s.

    I will attach the output.

  7. Ole Langbehn reporter

    oh, the ones that are not showing contain commas instead of dots as a decimal separator.

  8. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    @Ole Langbehn

    Thanks for sending the data.

    I think those “commas“ are causing the problem.

    serieForecastRemaining contains NaNs at the beginning which is OK because it shows data after the current date. But it also contains commas.

    It is strange. Is your system or browser in a different locale (for instance, German instead of English)? Looks like in some cases float numbers are formatted with commas and in other cases with dots. This is most probably due to the locale used. Anyway, we will investigate and enforce the usage of dots.

  9. Ole Langbehn reporter

    Hi Danut,

    could you be so kind and provide a jar with the fix based on the 1.8.1 release? In order to convince the Jira admins to install this unofficial JAR, I need to diff the old and new jars. Your 1.8.2-RC1 contains a lot of changes, especially in java class files, that I can’t easily diff/inspect.



  10. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Ole,

    The fix itself involves changes in various Java classes. Similar issue might occur in the other gadgets. We fixed all of them.

    Besides this fix there are a few other smaller fixes, which will be included anyway in the official version that we will launch.

    So please install this one. It is safe to install it.

    Danut Manda

  11. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Ole Langbehn

    A fix for this issue was included in version 1.8.2 released on 12-SEP-2019.

    Closing ticket for now. Please reopen if the issue persists on latest version.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

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