Feature request: "Release Burnup Burndown Chart": let x-axis extend to "Release End Date" even when there's no data until that date

Issue #45 new
Ole Langbehn created an issue

We set an end date of 2019/12/16. The graph x-axis ends at the point in time where the forecasts hit zero. When these are before the end date, the graph does not extend until the end date.

We would like it to extend to the end date in order to quickly assess the headroom between the end of work and the end date.

Comments (4)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Ole,

    Could you please attach a screenshot with the gadget settings and one with the chart?


  2. Ole Langbehn reporter

    I worked around the issue by including “ideal burndown” series, which has data until the end date. But when not included, other series don’t necessarily include data until the end date.

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