Reduce load time for the Cycle Time dashboard gadget.

Issue #51 resolved
Abdul Raheem created an issue

We at Discover Financial Services are looking to purchase license for the Great Gadget add-on for JIRA server. The only concern that we have is the time taken to load the Cycle Time dashboard gadget for each interval being loaded. Which just grows exponentially if we choose to display multiple intervals on the gadget. We are wondering if this is something that can be reduced and if so, is it something that is in your pipeline for implementation.

Thank you,

Abdul Raheem

Comments (10)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Abdul,

    Yes, we have this on our TODO list. We plan to add a caching mechanism similar with the one from Release Burndown Chart and Velocity Chart gadgets. Once the data is calculated for past intervals, it will be cached and served directly at the next reloads making the gadget much faster.

    We did not start the work yet, but we pan to do it soon. I’ll let you know when it is done.


  2. Abdul Raheem reporter

    And will this calculation be stored in the client cache or the application cache? I want to understand if the calculation is going to be on per user basis.

    -Abdul Raheem

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    It will be per-application (not per user). So the same cache will be served to multiple users that loads the same Jira dashboard.

  4. Abdul Raheem reporter

    Ok, Thank you for the confirmation. Is there a ticket open that we can watch that tracks the progress of this enhancement?

    -Abdul Raheem

  5. Abdul Raheem reporter

    Ok, Thank you. Two more things I forgot to ask. If the calculation is going to be stored in the application cache. What happens when there is any change on any of the issues? Will the calculation be redone. And the second thing is at present the cycle time is shown in seconds. Can you also add an option for us to choose what metric we want the cycle time to be shown in? (Seconds, Minutes, Hours etc.)

    -Abdul Raheem

  6. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Abdul Raheem,

    This is currently in work. We managed to implement it and launch it with latest app’s version for Jira Cloud and the server version will be ready soon.

    The data cache will be automatically updated if changes occur. Also the cycle time will be displayed in the unit that you select in the gadget settings (Hours, Minutes, Days) .

    Please let me know if you want to give it a try; we can provide a pre-release version in advance.

    The final version release might take a bit as we plan to include some additional changes.


  7. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    This is fixed for both Cloud (1.1.24-AC) and Server (1.12.0) by introducing data caching.

  8. Abdul Raheem reporter

    Thank you for the quick fix. I will go ahead and upgrade the plugin in our dev environment and get back to you if we have any question or if we find any other issue.

    -Abdul Raheem

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