Dashboard Gadgets are unresponsive

Issue #56 resolved
Shannon Phillips created an issue

Hi Support,

Great Gadget plugins are not responding on dashboards.


All gadgets that are provided by the Great Gadget app are displaying prolong buffering when attempted to be viewed on dashboards. This behavior is being exemplified for both new and existing gadgets. We have ruled out any issue with the underlining JQL. We have also confirmed the OOB gadgets are operating as norm.


None at this time. Gadgets are unavailable

Comments (18)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @{5bd9f5d2653a520f925ab832}

    We are currently investigating.

    A restart of our services will happen soon.


  2. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner


    We performed a restart. Can you please check if it now works?

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  3. Shannon Phillips Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Danut,

    Apologies for the delay response

    Unfortunately, the restart did not resolve our issue. Our system admin however recently performed a test in dev which seems promising but wanted to get a second opinion before following through with the uninstalling and reinstalling of the app. Below are the their findings:

    have determined that the Great Gadget issue is only in our Prod environment. It seems to be working fine in Dev.

    As a test in Dev, I put all of the gadgets from this plugin on a Dashboard and then configured them with filters.

    I unsubscribed to the Great Gadgets addon and checked the Dashboard. Each gadget was displaying a message about no license.

    Then I uninstalled the Great Gadgets addon and checked the Dashboard. Each gadget showed a big red “processing error” message.

    I reinstalled the addon and each of the gadgets was displaying properly, using the previously configured filters – however, I get this error message when the page loads:

    Great Gadgets addon processing error

    Something went wrong while processing your request. The action you were trying to execute could not be completed successfully. The server returned: Received http error code 404. A resource on the JIRA server could not be accessed. The id of the error is: 15338739288763433

    Navigating back to that page does not generate the error again.


    Shannon P

  4. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Shannon,

    Yes. Reinstalling the app is a good idea. So please proceed with that- all the data and settings will be preserved. So you don't need to alter the gadget settings.

    Regarding the error 15338739288763433, from what I see in the logs, it was given when the app tried to get the data of Jira issue ICAM-633 via Jira REST API and the error message was "Issue does not exist or you do not have permission to see it."

    It might be a temporary case. If this error persists, let us know.


  5. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    @{5bd9f5d2653a520f925ab832} ,

    Instead of reinstalling, please try this workaround first (it's easier):

    • go to Jira Settings > Apps > Manage Apps
    • click Upload app and provide this URL: 


    If you do not have the Upload app option, click Settings and check both options Enable private listings and Enable development mode. Then click Apply and refresh the page.

    Please let me know if this worked.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  6. Matt Burke Account Deactivated

    I tried both the workaround above and reinstalling and neither resolved the issue for us

  7. Shannon Phillips Account Deactivated reporter

    I am testing it now. I will let you know the outcome.

  8. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @{5b69e1950b3f583d9e7089e9} & @{5bd9f5d2653a520f925ab832} ,

    Can you please run these URLs in your browser and check if it displays any data?



    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  9. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner


    That’s the problem.

    all.js is a Java Script file that till now it was provided by Jira. But it appears that now it is no longer in Jira Cloud but at another location.

    We will update our code to take the file from the new location and deploy a fix shortly.

    I’ll let you know when it is done.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  10. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Shannon & Matt,

    The fix has been deployed.
    Can you please confirm that the app works in your Jira instance?

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  11. Shannon Phillips Account Deactivated reporter

    The gadgets are working but we are now getting the following error:

  12. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner


    If this last issue is still present please create a separate issue.

    Closing this ticket because the initial problem was fixed.


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