WBS filter not working

Issue #58 resolved
Stacy Haller created an issue

Good morning -

I have a project team that built a specialized filter to use in their WBS. When the gadget is configured to use that filter, it just shows as blank. I also tried using the project board filter and it shows the same result.

I went to our test instance and the project board filter works there, but the specialized filter still does not. I tried to find something in the logs, but didn’t see anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Comments (5)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Stacy Haller ,

    Thanks for posting.

    This type of issue might occur if the filter is not shared. Could you please check if the filter is shared with Project or Any Logged-in user?


  2. Stacy Haller reporter

    Danut –

    Yes, I did check that. I should have added it to the document. [cid:image001.jpg@01D6303E.65FDDD50]

    That did correct the issue with the project board – between prod and test. Now I can use that one, but I still can’t get the specialized filter to work.

    The specialized filter pulls up data under search for issues. Does the gadget tack on any extras to the query that might make it not find data?


  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Stacy Haller

    Apparently, it is necessary to have the epic itself in the filter. Please try modifying your filter into:

    (project = ACCT AND "Epic Link" = ACCT-1657) OR (key = ACCT-1657)

    This should fix the issue.

    We will investigate to see why it does not work if the epic is not in the filter results. Normally, if the epic is not in the filter results, the issues should be displayed under “No epic“.


  4. Stacy Haller reporter

    I was able to get it to work when I added that modification.

    Please let me know if you figure out why that is needed.

    Thanks! Stacy

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