Need Assistance with Cycle Time Trend Gadget

Issue #59 resolved
Manuela Davila Robles created an issue


Our internal users would like to know how can we accomplish the following in Cycle Time Trend Gadget:

  1. Exporting data from the ‘Data’ tab in the Gadget.
  2. Add field ‘Story Points’ to the columns displayed on the ‘Data’ Tab of the Gadget.

Comments (4)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @{5b2a75266116e24d2bfcb112}

    Thanks for posting.

    Currently it is not possible to do any of the mentioned actions. But we are actively working on adding the ability to export the data in CSV format. This will be in the next version.

    Not sure yet about displaying Story Points, but we will analyze this request as well.


  2. Manuela Davila Robles Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks for the update Danut. I can raise a separate request for the Story points question if necessary and you can close this one. Please let me know.

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @{5b2a75266116e24d2bfcb112}

    “Data tab export in CSV format” was implemented in version 1.16.0, which was released on 06-JUN-2020. Also implemented and released for Jira Cloud.

    For displaying the story points, please create another request.


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