Release Burndown Chart - Burned Line Stretched Too Far on Longer Interval

Issue #63 resolved
Lin Ricky created an issue

Hi Support.

While using your Release Burndown Chart, we noticed that the Burned line will stretch into the future, which causes an inaccurate representation of the burndown chart and that confuses our users.

This seems to only happen when we set the Interval to greater than 1 Day in the Gadget (see attached).  Can you please advise if this could be addressed?  We’d love to use a 2 week or 4 week interval to show this graph, but we have to resort to 1 day now so it doesn’t look confusing.

P.S  When setting the interval to 1 day, is it possible to show today’s date at the end of the line when you hover of it so we can easily tell where it’s at?

Please let me know if you need any clarifications

Comments (3)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Ricky,

    Indeed, when interval is set to 1 day, it will match the exact date. But when you use intervals of 1 week or more, it will match the interval (not the day) in which the line will finish. This is because, when using intervals larger than 1 day, the oX axis does not contain all the days and the end on the line cannot be drawn exactly.

    We can’t change this. You can use intervals of 1 day if you want an exact representation.

    For the request mentioned in the PS, please create a separated ticket.


  2. Lin Ricky reporter

    Hi Danut. Thank you for the explanation. That’s unfortunate to hear. We have a couple of releases that run longer (6+months plus) and was hoping that we could use a larger interval to shorten the graph a bit for better visualization. Just a wild thought: is it possible to populate a white/transparent line to be drawn past today’s date to somehow still make that usable for larger interval? If not, it is what it is.

    I’ll create a separate ticket for the PS. Thank you!

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    The initial issue was answered. Closing ticket for now. For other requests, please create a new ticket.

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