Add "Burned Down" Line to Burnup Charts

Issue #64 resolved
Lin Ricky created an issue

Hi Support.

Is it possible for you guys to enhance on the “Burned” line and add one that works with the “Ideal Burndown” line? Currently, the Burned line only goes up and matches with “Ideal Burnup” line, which makes things pretty awkward to view when we have a bunch of lines on the

This is specific to the Sprint Burnup Chart and the Release Burnup Chart.

Thank you

Comments (2)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Ricky,

    Sorry but this request is not clear for us. What do you mean by “one that works with the Ideal Burndown“? Could you please provide a concrete example?

    The “Burned” line is usually used with “Ideal Burnup” line in burnup charts. Try using the “Remaining“ line in combination with “Ideal Burndown“ if you want to have a classic burndown chart. Does it help?


  2. Lin Ricky reporter

    Hi Danut.

    So sory about my part on not reading your wiki thoroughl because it clearly tells me that the "Remaining" line is used in conjunction to Burndown Chart.

    No further questions here. Thank you!

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