Getting error to calculate by story points in Team Velocity Gadget

Issue #66 resolved
锐 谢 created an issue

Hi support team, when I use “Calculate by: Story Points“ option in Team Velocity Gadget, it dose not work and show the following error message:
Something went wrong while processing your request. The action you were trying to execute could not be completed successfully. 9 3 3 fieldStoryPoints true false null null - could not determine the id of the calculationFieldId
Could you please advise how to resolve it so I could use story point option? Thanks!

Comments (5)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    The error in question is caused by the fact that there is no field “Story Points“ in Jira. The app looks for a field named “Story Points“ - it must be an exact match. Do you have such field? Perhaps it was renamed.

    Please run this URL in your browser to get the list of Jira fields and then send it to


  2. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Thanks. It seems that your story points field is named “Story Point“. It should be “Story Points”.

    Please try renaming the field; this should fix the problem:

    • go to Jira Administration > Issues > Custom Fields
    • locate the “Story Point” field and click its Edit option.
    • Rename it into “Story Points“ and save the changes

    Looking forward for your reply.

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