Issues off boundary of Cycle Time chart

Issue #80 resolved
Bill Sheboy created an issue

For a dashboard using the Cycle Time chart gadgets, with a layout of two columns, some of the issues can appear cut-off on the right side of the view. The cause seems to be the x-axis scaling and the distance to the chart boundary/border when a Jira issue has a date/time value at the very edge of the x-axis.

When the dashboard layout is one column or three columns the issue does not appear to occur.

I have attached an image of the dashboard and the settings for one of the impacted gadgets.

Comments (5)

  1. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Greetings! I have uploaded another image that shows this truncation issue also applies to the fly-over information displayed when hovering over an item on the charts. This example is also with the 3-column dashboard layout. In this case, the truncation happens when items are near the top of the chart and not for items at the bottom of the chart.

  2. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks. We are currently investigating. I’ll let you know when the fix is ready.


  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    These issues have been fixed on Great Gadgets for Jira Cloud.

    For the tool tip, the solution was to reduce a bit the font size of the text.

    A similar fix for Server / Data Center fix will be released soon.

  4. Bill Sheboy reporter

    Greetings, and thanks for the fix! Both the cut-offs of text on the left and markers on the right appear to be corrected. Marking as resolved.

    Best regards,


  5. Bill Sheboy reporter

    The text cut-offs on the left and the marker cut-offs on the right of the chart have been corrected.

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