Gadget not working properly

Issue #82 resolved
Greivin Guevara created an issue

We have installed Great Gadget in our cloud instance.
When we add ad gadget from that plugin and shows that error after around 1 minute.
It seems to be happening on gadgets retrieving filters or boards.

Checking the dev options on the browser we noticed that it is failing for an 504 code on the following endpoint (I have removed the JWT parameter):{token}

We are not able to use most of the plugin gadgets so we can not even add those gadgets.We have a pretty large Jira environment. So we would like to have it expedite as much as possible.

Unfortunately for security reasons we are not allowed to attach any har file or something like that, just in case it is required in the future.

Comments (9)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Greivin,

    Thanks for posting.

    This error can occur when the authentication token expired. Normally a refresh should fix it.

    Please provide your Jira base URL to so we can check the server logs.


  2. Greivin Guevara reporter

    Any update on this? Users are having issues with their dashboard reports and we don't have any clue of what could be causing this.

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Greivin,

    The errors seem specific to your Jira instance.

    We looked over the server logs. We found some error codes 500 (Jira Internal Server errors) for some calls that our app made against Jira but this does not necessary explain the error that you mentioned. We are still investigating.

    Could you please provide the HAR to

    Because this case might require switching various information, I propose continuing the discussion over the email instead of this public ticket.

    Thank you,

    Danut Manda

  4. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    It proved that the error in question occurred due to large number of filters and agile boards, which had to be loaded in the corresponding dropdown list from the gadget settings.

    We fixed the issue in version 1.1.33-AC by adding the possibility to search filters/boards by name and loading entries using pagination when scrolling vertically through the dropdown list.

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