Is there a way to show the 'Standard Deviation' on the Control Chart Gadget just like the Jira reports shows?

Issue #83 new
Manuela Davila Robles created an issue

For the Control Chart report, we would like to see the same report information display on the Gadget view.

Comments (1)

  1. Bill Sheboy


    Yes, and… The “standard deviation” indicator on the built-in Jira charts seems unclear what is actually showing. The chart appears to jump all over the place, rending it useless for process stability analysis. How Jira performs sampling or time measures is unclear, making this chart even more suspect. StonikByte can do better. :^)

    If StonikByte decides to implement this suggestion, please show the standard deviation as single value for the sampled data, with warning lines around the arithmetic mean (average). Bonus feature would be the option to show +/- 1 or 2 standard deviations around the average (UCL and LCL). You can see examples in this Wikipedia posting:

    Best regards,


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