Missing Data In Kanban Velocity

Issue #86 resolved
Dave Trollope created an issue

I am generating a graph for completed kanban story points over 1 week intervals. It is reporting 0 completed story points for the week 9/13-9/19:

Yet, there are very clearly some stories completed, as shown in this history:

Please advise.

Comments (8)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Dave Trollope

    Thanks for posting.

    Can you please provide a screenshot with the gadget settings and the chart?

    Is this a next-gen project or classic project?


  2. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Thanks Dave! Can you please try checking “Refresh cached data at next display“ and tell us if it makes any difference?

    Also please set Calculate By: Issue Count check fi the issue is displayed in chart and data table.


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