HTTP 400 error loading Cycle Time Trend Gadget with certain filters (also dupe issue statuses)

Issue #88 resolved
John Price created an issue

I have a filter I’m trying to use in a Cycle Time Trend gadget. For some other data sources, it works. For this one I get the error in the screenshot:

Something went wrong while processing your request. The action you were trying to execute could not be completed successfully. The server returned: Error ID 34010398309604198 - Received http error code 400 when accessing the JIRA system. JIRA server response: {"errorMessages":["The value 'Loans Filter Kanban with PS' does not exist for the field 'filter'."],"warningMessages":[]}

What’s odd is that I’m using the same filter in a Kanban Velocity Gadget on the same dashboard and it works fine.

Other info:

  • It seems to work some of the time, depending on the statuses used. If I use Cycle Starts = Ready, Cycle finishes = In Progress, it works. Then if I switch to Ready For Test/In Testing, it fails. Switching back again, fails. So not consistent.
  • Possibly related: The select list for statuses has a bunch of duplicates, even though those don’t exist in the admin Statuses page. See screenshot. Could that be part of the problem?

Comments (9)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @{557058:9fcee884-3a02-4813-8198-4af94b2bc779} ,

    Thanks for posting.

    The error in question usually occurs if the specified filter is not shared with a group, project etc. Can you please check if the filter is shared? If not, can you please share it with the project(s) or logged-in users?

    The duplicated statuses appear due to the fact that every Jira next-gen project comes with its own statuses. For example, you have multiple Done statuses because, beside the common “Done“ status from the classical Jira projects you have a few other next-gen projects that have a “Done” status. These statuses, although they have the same name, are actually different. We will try to eliminate the duplication somehow.


  2. John Price Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi @Danut M [StonikByte] This is odd. The filter is shared with a group that I’m in, but I get the error. However, another gadget with the same filter works fine. As a workaround, I made a copy of the filter and shared with jira-users and it worked.

    Regarding the multiple statuses - I think you are correct. This is a huge downside of next gen and a major oversight by Atlassian in my view (hence we generally do not allow users to create next gen projects). Users end up creating many statuses, fields, etc. with the same name which wreaks havoc with JQL, gadgets, the classic admin screens, etc. I’ll give them that feedback.



  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @{557058:9fcee884-3a02-4813-8198-4af94b2bc779} ,

    As any other app for Jira Cloud, Great Gadgets has its own account, which is a hidden/system Jira Cloud account created automatically by Jira during the app installation. When the data (issues) to be processed by the gadget is retrieved from Jira via REST API, the app makes a request to Jira on behalf of its own account. In order to receive the data from the filter, the app account must be able to run/access the specified issue filter. That’s why the filter must be shared with a project on which the app’s account has access or with authenticated users.

    You shared the filter with a group that you are part of, but it is not enough because your account is not used when the gadget retrieves the data from Jira. Does it make sense?

    It is strange that the same filter works on a different gadget. Can you please provide a screenshot with the configuration of the two gadgets so we can compare?


  4. John Price Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi @Danut M [StonikByte] - I didn’t realize the data was being pulled by the StonikByte account rather then using the perms of the current user. Makes sense, and is usually not an issue because most teams share things more widely. Let’s not worry about the inconsistency unless it helps you. We will just add a short KB article in our Confluence and then we can close this.

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