Team Velocity-Gadget shows results inconsistent with either Burnup chart or Velocity chart Jira Sprint Reports

Issue #9 resolved
Simon Merrick [TechTime] created an issue

Hi Team,

Techtime is an Atlassian solution partner. One of our customers has raised concerns to us that the Team Velocity-Gadget is showing slightly different results to any of the sprint reports.

I have summarised the values reported by the Team Velocity gadget compared to the Burnup chart and Velocity chart sprint reports.

Screen Shot 2017-08-28 at 5.49.17 PM.png

What I would like to try and establish is how your plugin collects/processes its data compared to Jira's sprint reports so we can try and work out where these discrepancies are coming from.

Comments (12)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for posting.

    We are working on a version that will allow exporting the data used in the calculations. This will allow comparing the velocity data from the gadget with the Velocity report from JIRA in order to determine the cause of the discrepancies.

    The new version will be available in the next days. I will keep you updated.

    Thank you, D.M.

  2. Simon Merrick [TechTime] Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks team. Looking forward to it.

    I want to make sure I am interpreting the graphs right

    Here's the Team Velocity Gadget for Sprint 3.3 Screen Shot 2017-08-29 at 11.42.09 AM.png

    The value for Initially committed should be the number of story points in the sprint when the sprint is initially opened right? This would correspond to the red line at the left most end of the graph.

    The value for finally committed should be the number of story points in the sprint (completed or incomplete) at the time the sprint is closed? This would correspond to the red line at the right most end of the burnup chart.

    Completed should correspond with the green line at the right most end of the burnupchart

    Screen Shot 2017-08-29 at 11.43.14 AM.png

    Does this make sense or am I comparing the Burnup chart and Team Velocity gadget incorrectly?

  3. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Simon,

    You should compare with the Velocity Chart report of JIRA:

    • Open the same Agile board that is used by the Velocity gadget
    • Click Reports or press 3
    • Select Velocity Chart report
    • At the end of the report is a table with the calculations for Commitment and Completed for each sprint - see the picture bellow


    This data should be similar with the data displayed in our Velocity gadget.

    • Commitment = Initially Committed = total number of story points when the sprint was started. Details about this can be easily found in the Sprint Report of a specific sprint. See below, the first row of the table.


    • Completed = Done = total number of story points burned (completed) in the sprint - to see details about this, click a sprint from the table at the end Velocity Report and look at the completed issues (see bellow)

    Velocity Chart JIRA.jpg

    • Finally Committed is the total number of story points at the moment when the sprint was closed. JIRA does not display this in the Velocity Chart report, but you can calculate it from the same report that is opened when you click a sprint in the table from the end of the Velocity Chart report.

    I hope this helps.


  4. Simon Merrick [TechTime] Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks Team,

    As I stated I compared the Team Velocity-Gadget to both the Burnup Chart and the Velocity Chart and there were inconsistencies between all 3 of them, although less so between Team Velocity-Gadget and the Velocity Chart sprint report.

    I will try and have another look at the velocity chart in order to compare both initially comitted and finally comitted.

    I suspect maybe Issues completed outside of this sprint either is or isn't being included in the sum total of story points completed for either the Velocity chart or velocity gadget. This may be where this discrepency is coming from

  5. Simon Merrick [TechTime] Account Deactivated reporter

    Any update on this? I notice you release a new version in the last couple of weeks. Does the release contain the features to export data for comparison as mentioned above?

  6. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi Simon,

    Yes. This is deployed in latest version. All you have to do is: * Click the velocity chart area in your dashboard * Press CTRL + SHIFT + L. This will refresh the browser and make it display a table for every sprint with the contribution of each work item to the calculated series * Then you can use the data from the table to compare with the JIRA reports.

    Screen Shot 2017-09-28 at 10.12.39 PM.jpg

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