Jira Sprint report initial commitment not matching Velocity chart initial scope when using original estimate

Issue #96 resolved
Gary Fitzgerald created an issue

We are using Original Estimate and count subtasks and estimates. The Chart Initial commitment does not match the Jira Sprint Report value. Note, the Jira velocity chart is useless as it doesn’t include subtask estimates. I can see that the initial commitment value is adjusted i.e. not just the sum of Original estimates. Can you provide the formula used? I assume it uses the remaining estimate at the time the sprint started.

BTW we have verified that the Jira Sprint report Initial commitment is correct using our planning spreadsheets.

We are using Jira Server 7.13 and the latest gadget version 1.22.

Thanks for your support as we really would like to use your gadget.

Comments (3)

  1. Danut M [StonikByte] repo owner

    Hi @Gary Fitzgerald

    Thanks for posting.

    The gadget counts only the Original Estimate field of the issues. The Initial Scope is calculated as the sum of Original Time Estimates of each individual issue from the sprint, as it was at the start of the sprint.

    Please note that the velocity chart of Jira does not count the issue that were already resolved when the sprint started, while the Sprint Burndown Chart does! In the sprint report they are listed under “issues completed outside of the sprint“. For consistency with Jira, our gadgets does the count in the same way. So this could be a possible cause.

    For confirming, can you please export and attach the data tab of the Velocity gadget? Also, please display a Sprint Burndown Chart (use the gadget offered by our app, not the one from Jira) for the same sprint and also export its data tab.


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