TIO-0007 (Not Showing up under Tasks->Servers phpStorm 9)

Issue #7 resolved
Pascal Küsgen created an issue

I am using phpStorm 9 and Taiga.io doesn't show up in the Tasks->Server select. I installed the plugin through the IDE and restarted it.

Comments (3)

  1. Trevor Jones repo owner

    The current version of the plugin(1.1.5) is build with JDK7 as a result any IDE that is running on JRE6 it will not load. With the recent release of el capitan my java 6 installation was removed along with the fact that the plugin will not function on OSX when the IDE is ran on JRE6.

    I am conflicted as to what I want to support in this aspect as I can not even test my plugin in the java 6 environment from my main dev machine. (OSX) Either way new build is being uploaded now and is already in the git repo(1.1.6)

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