TIO-0008 (Not showing user stories or issues)

Issue #8 new
Johannes M created an issue

When I test the connection everything seems to work, but there are no tasks shown using IntelliJ 15. I tried Kanban Stories as well as issues.

Comments (12)

  1. Johannes M reporter

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I think that it makes sense to expose it all.

    One question: What is considered a task in the taiga.io frontend?

  2. Hamidreza Bistooni

    @johannesjo I have the same problem!

    after searching (a lot) i have found TASKS under backlog section ! first you should create a backlog and then inside it you can create a task! But i think its better to support issues for this GREAT plugin

    hope it will help you!

  3. Johannes M reporter

    @hamidrezabstn Thanks for sharing your findings. Unfortunately I can't connect at all at the moment with IntelliJ as I always get a "Cannot connect to https://api.taiga.io/api/v1" error.

  4. Hamidreza Bistooni

    @johannesjo hi !

    when that happens ? getting tasks ?

    maybe something is wrong with your configuration ! after adding your account information click on test button and after that you should see your projects ! after selecting your desire project configuration is done!

  5. Johannes M reporter

    Thank you very much. I did the same thing yesterday (selecting a project after clicking test connection), but today it worked :)

    I still think that user stories should be included in the server's response. When you work with Kanban you have no tasks at all and for smaller projects you might not want to break anything down into subtasks.

  6. Hamidreza Bistooni

    hi !

    i agree with you this plugin is so great but i think it should have more capability ! i hope developers consider enhancements !

  7. Trevor Jones repo owner

    I hope to start working on all the discussion points here in the next few weeks. Should be fairly quick but i need to do some serious code cleanup in the project. Keep the comments and issues coming. I am fairly concerned about the "Cannot connect" thing. Maybe api changes? let me know of anything obvious I am missing while we churn on all of this.

  8. Hamidreza Bistooni

    Hello @TJonez

    as a suggestion i think its good to use a project manager applications such as Trello or Taiga it self !

    i know this project seems small but it could be a good practice for bigger ones and make an easy way for contributor's collaboration.

    as a Junior developer i can help you with enhancements too! :D

    BTW : great work with this project! its really AWESOME!!! ;)

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