Default 'save' dir is the home directory instead of CWD

Issue #7 new
Tancred Frickey repo owner created an issue

having the 'save' directory default to 'home' rather than the current working dir is a problem when you have many clans analyses running in parallel. I need a few more steps to figure out which one of the windows belongs to what analysis. Before I could just save everything to whatever directory popped up by default. Did you have a specific reason why this was changed (It's been bugging me for a while, but I never got to making it an 'issue'; now with 14 analyses in parallel I am having real trouble :-)?

Comments (4)

  1. Klaus Kopec

    By default you mean coming from BLAST results without having saved to CLANS format before, right? I wouldn't know why I would implement this like it is, hence I assume it's a side effect of unifying the saving routines a while ago. As soon as you confirm this is the situation in which you encounter the problem , I'll look into it asap.

  2. Tancred Frickey reporter

    Yes this is the case.

    Sorry for not giving a better description, I really should know better :-) Staring from scratch with nothing but fasta sequences, running the blasts and then getting the graphical interface for the first time, the default save-dir is the home-dir rather than the current working dir.

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