Implement FS Switchers

Issue #16 resolved
Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner created an issue


  • Mk2: DONE
  • S2: DONE
  • S2W: DONE
  • HL: DONE
  • MK1: DONE
  • A1C: DONE
  • Panels: DONE
  • Landing Gear: DONE
  • RCS Blocks: DONE

Comments (22)

  1. Leonardo Valeri Manera reporter
    • Mk2 SAS done.
    • S2 SAS done
    • HL Extensions done.
    • A1S Light done.
    • HL Main missing Cargo Tail. I see 2 texture references in the model, what textures do I need here?
  2. Christian Gerefalk

    HL Universal Body 0.5m, 2m, 6m: all versions got round collision mesh making flat versions have a large gap when you attach stuff to the sides, no version contains fuel.

    Universal tail, cargo bays, cargo tail doesn't have a round version, I assume that's a lot of work to add, and cargo tail and cargo bays make sense to leave out, but universal tail at least should have a round version to go with the round universal parts.

    Round to flat HL adapter would also be nice.

  3. Artyom Zuev

    0.5m round to flat adapter is already there in the universal 0.5m HL part. It's a very short transition and including it into the tail part makes no sense. 0.5m and 2m HL do contain LF/LFO/RCS subtypes. Collision should be inherited from a flat part by default, might be a mistake in the part setup.

  4. Christian Gerefalk

    Fuel subtypes don't work, they're all empty (S2 univeral works, has fuel/lfo/rcs but HL are empty), sorry didn't spot the 0.5m adapter amongst those versions, makes sense to use that.

  5. Christian Gerefalk

    Had a quick look in the .cfg of the S2 and HL parts, looks identical except for the values obviously, and 2x the variants for round and flat, and obviously +1 on the 0.5 for the adapter version:

    But yeah not sure what the actual problem is.

  6. Leonardo Valeri Manera reporter

    I need to go through and check they all work properly, yeah. I'll get that tonight.

    Re: collisions, there's a new FSmeshSwitch value I need to add, affectColliders=true.

  7. Artyom Zuev

    Oh, so it looks for colliders and enables them individually? That's not particularly neat, tons of universal parts, especially some like HX hangars, are using multiple unique colliders parented to every subtype gameobject, and are expected to be untouched, becoming enabled when their parented gameobject becomes enabled. There is always a collider outside of toggled gameobjects, but it only covers the shape that every subtype covers.

  8. Leonardo Valeri Manera reporter

    We might need to tweak the parenting of some colliders, but it should not be doing anything to colliders not parented to an object its enabling/disabling.

    It has to go in and disable them if that flag is on though, by default KSP will enable every single collider in the .mu when it spawns the part unless its attached to an animation that controls its state and its start state is disabled.

  9. Leonardo Valeri Manera reporter

    Artyom, of the HX stuff, which parts (if any) need collider switching apart from hangars?

  10. Leonardo Valeri Manera reporter

    Just waiting on word from snjo regarding animated parts and this can be closed.

  11. Leonardo Valeri Manera reporter
    • changed status to open

    per-tank costs and mass are in, there are certainly bugs in the numbers, so lets collect them here.

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