3.75m capable cargo bays

Issue #32 on hold
Christian Gerefalk created an issue

Now that 3.75m parts are stock and a lot of interesting stuff people want to take into space are 3.75m (KSPi stuff, 3.75m fuel tanks etc) I think 3.75m capable cargo bays are a good idea.

Easiest though least interesting way to achieve it is just to provide an alternate scale of some of the HL parts:

rescaleFactor = 1.15


Not that much larger, a simple adapter like the HL->2m one shouldn't look that out of place.

screenshot129.jpg Not enough room to clear most radial attachments, might need to be a tiny but larger to accommodate RCS thrusters etc.


132.25% scale in modo (1.15^2 = 1.3225) not sure why rescaleFactor = 1.15 is actually 132.25% but nvm. Cylinder is 3.75m.

Dimensions before scaling:

Horizontal: 3.2476m Vertical: 3.75m

Dimensions after scaling:

Horizontal: 4.295 Vertical: 4.9594

Mass: 5.44*(1.15^3) = 8.27356 (I assume that's correct?)

What do you guys think? Obviously a bit of a cheap cheat to just re-scale existing parts, but making a new fuselage system from scratch is pretty involved I imagine.

Could have an overall smaller diameter if round or closer to round than the HL shape though.

Though I admit HL spaceplanes area already pretty out there, a near on 5m diameter spaceplane is pretty... ambitious, though B9 is futuristic, and well 5m spaceplanes looks sensible next to HX stuff XD

Comments (9)

  1. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    First off, in the general sense, I have no problem with not being able to lift what's essentially the KSP equivalent of the Saturn V's main stage into orbit in the hold of a spaceplane.

    Secondly, personally, I'm against rescaling. I know Artyom is as well; we currently have (afair) 1 rescaled part in B9, the SABRE intake, and even there'd I'd like to go in and give it a unique model.

    Thirdly, there are some major limitations you're not considering:

    • The runway isn't long enough to take off

    • The engines aren't big enough to take you up without using silly amounts of 2.5m SABREs

    • The landing gear is too short to rotate off the runway. Its already very close to impossible with S2W

    • The ladders aren't long enough to reach the ground from a cockpit that high off it.

    Now, assuming you still want to ahead with it you have 2 options:

    • Make a tweakscale-based extra for B9.

    • Make a whole new fuselage system - this could possibly be integrated into B9 itself.

    You will need:

    • New cockpit

    • New adapters

    • New landing gear

    • New engines

    • New intakes

    • New ladder

    • A kerbtown-made runway that's at least 6 kilometers long

    • Most likely new wings, HW21 wont cut it as a single option, too inflexible, you're have to rescale the panels at a very minimum to have a flexible wing system that doesn't require pWings. Generating new lift numbers is non-trivial, though you can have my spreadsheet for that, I suppose.

    Even if you do the rescales you will have to redo:

    • Mass for all parts

    • Connection strength for all parts

    • New suspension values

    • New IVA, or at the very least a new adapter

    • New wing values

    • Still a new ladder model, rescaling existing ones will make it wider.

    • Plus the runway.

    This is a non-trivial undertaking that will most likely take several weeks to do well. Think very hard if you want to tackle it.

  2. Christian Gerefalk reporter

    I'll take that as a "no" :P

    But yeah if you put it that way, being able to launch a saturn 5 in an SSTOSP is kinda... errm... well... nvm. I'll blame scott manley on this one.

  3. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    I'm not shooting you down on principle, but apart from the non-trivial work of all the supporting parts needed on top of the fuselage (SAS, RCS, Cockpit, ladder, engines, intakes, wings, landing gear) the kicker is the runway.

    KSP parts have a much, much higher inert mass fraction (when it comes to fuel tanks) and are generally much heavier than the real-world alternatives, so even though the jet engines are ludicrously powerful by comparison, you still need very long takeoff runs on fully-loaded SSTOs.

    If you've ever tried making an HL or S2W SSTO in the stock drag model - and B9 needs to work in the stock drag model - you'll know what a major pain in the ass it is taking off with a full cargo. Now imagine you're carrying 50% more dead weight.

  4. Christian Gerefalk reporter

    Hmm yeah tricky I imagine, a skilled player like scott could probably get it to work but the average guy that just found the game + B9 in stock aero would probably only manage to make a very complicated submarine launching system with superfluous wings.

  5. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    Scott uses FAR, so his takeoff runs are a lot shorter and he needs way less engine.

    Every 2.5m SABRE is 6 tons of weight you have to carry around.

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