SABRE engines icons constantly enlarge

Issue #62 invalid
Alex Polanco created an issue

I've attached a screenshot of the behavior. It occurs in VAB and SPH. It only occurs when you mouseover the icons of either the SABRE S or SABRE M. No other icons are affected. It occurs on a clean install and my normal install. When the icon of the S, for example, is obscured by the enlarged M, the behavior still occurs. Clicking on any other part or switching to another parts tab restores them to normal size. Exiting the VAB/SPH restores them. Clicking in empty space does not. Clicking on the action groups or crew manifest buttons doesn't solve it either, neither does selecting a flag. While it happens, the icon enlarges smoothly and the info tooltip flickers quickly, at probably 30+ cycles of on/off per second.



Comments (3)

  1. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    Something is wrong with your installation. Make sure you're using KSP 0.24.2, and that all the plugins are correctly installed in GameData.

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