Crash upon Launch of Vessel

Issue #69 invalid
Tony Venvik created an issue

loading a existing ship crash

Launching a ship i build Crash

no matter what i do the game crashes and B9 is the only mod on this freshly instaled ksp

Comments (3)

  1. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    You're running out of memory. Use less mods, or install Active Texture Management.

  2. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    How much ram you have don't matter, KSP (even x64 in my case) is limited to 3.2gb.

    Sorry, but its not an issue with B9.

    Use Active Texture Management, use -force-opengl as a launch argument, decrease your texture resolution. Delete the deprecated parts once your crafts are converted.

    Blame Squad for awful asset loading.

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