Dry Mass Bug

Issue #72 invalid
Ferro Facade created an issue

I've just noticed a symmetry problem while play-testing with the HX parts. Seems like symmetry doesn't want to copy the mother part's dry mass and apply it to the mirrored part, and will always revert to a constant 10 when the vessel is loaded in the SPH except when the original dry mass of the part is lower than 10.

On the bright side, it seems like it's only isolated with the HX set of part and doesn't affect the other part sets.

Attached photo is the bug I think I've found. I've ran this on both a clean and a modded KSP and the results are the same.


Comments (13)

  1. Ferro Facade reporter

    I also thought it was just in x64, and then I encountered the same problems in x32/x86. After further testing (as of now), seems like the symmetry also does this whenever 1: the part has a similar part already in place on the vessel; and 2: when they're placed on the left or right nodes.

    Attached are the image of the bug I replicated just now and the craft file:

    http://i.imgur.com/8tGhAoH.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/view/d0oqabxdf0aqbxc/Test_Craft_for_Dry_Mass_Bug.craft

  2. Ferro Facade reporter

    To reproduce the bug, you have to do the ff:

    1. Either have a single node or multiple node part that has a dry mass above 10 as a base
    2. And then either place parts using symmetry or even placing them one by one, as long as the dry mass is above 10.

    The test craft I've uploaded should suffice as a testing ground for the bug. As long as the part's dry mass is above 10, the bug should appear.

  3. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    Still cannot reproduce - when I load that craft, everything has the correct dry mass values. I tried adding bits in symmetry (dry mass 30+) and saving and loading, still working correctly.

    Please check the following:

    • Are you using the right version of the firespitter plugin? B9 R5 is currently built against v6.3.4 release.
    • Are you using KSP v0.24.2?
    • Does it happen if there are no other mods than B9 and the plugins it provides?
    • If you're on windows-x64 KSP, can you try the X32 version?
  4. Christian Gerefalk

    Also try clean .24.2 and B9 5.0 install and never open it x64, x64 can break stuff and leave it broken that then stays broken when you open x86.

  5. Ferro Facade reporter

    Just ran another clean install and modded install of 0.24.2 on both x86 and x64 this morning, and seems like I've tracked two factors that caused the problem.

    1. Firesplitter flips it out for me. No idea why. Hopefully, it's just me.
    2. Seems like anything that messes with part properties flips things out for the HX parts. Tested Skillful (mod that puts HP on parts) on it to see if my theory was true, and then jaja. It reproduced it.

    I think (for now) that it wasn't the pre-release's fault why the symmetry flips out and changes the mirrored part's dry mass to 10. Will run more tests on both a clean and a modded KSP today.

    PS: Is it okay if I make a list of mods that people shouldn't use alongside the pre-release for now?

  6. Christian Gerefalk

    Errm, you need firespitter and we bundle firespitter, did you install some other version?

  7. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    It is absolutely ok (I'd love any help here) if you help us compile the list of mods that will need to be updated before they're compatibly with R5.

    For stuff that we included (like HotRockets, RPM) we already include a file a blanking the mod's MM file, and I talk with the ModularFuelTanks/RealFuels authors regularly, so files for those will probably be included, but there's too much stuff out there for it to test it all ourselves.

    Just make sure you note the version of the mod.

  8. Ferro Facade reporter

    Alright. Will start testing and making a list in a while + do a few more test runs with the HX because I have a bad feeling I missed something.

    Update: Seems like only three mods caused bugs throughout the whole game with the pre-release on it:

    1. Skillful - Apparently, it's the source of the Symmetry/Dry Mass bug. It seems like parameters from an older version of this were left in my Squad + NASA ARM folder, which caused the bug.
    2. BD Armory - Same as above
    3. TweakScale - Weird graphics issues in the SPH. Also caused a CTD. I have no idea why it caused a massive memory spike.

    On the bright side, the Firespitter issue is a false positive.

    Anyway, I'll post the WIP list on the thread. Sorry for bothering you guys :<

  9. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    Post it in thread, by all means, but also make an issue here (assign it to me) so I don't have to hunt down stuff in the thread :)

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