Entry purchaces

Issue #73 invalid
Andrew created an issue


Did a bit of research around and couldn't really find anything regarding this.

I have went through and purchased all of the new stuff your mod added to the trees and some things are simply not remembering that I purchased. I have started a new game(using some cheats getting back up to the science level I was at before) repurchased through R&D and gone through and made sure all items are purchased as owned. This happens in both Science mode, and Career mode. This bug can be recreated as simply as going purchasing these items in the tree going to the SPH or VAB, then back to the R&D lab and the items are no longer unlocked. You are not able to use the parts in SPH or VAB. Below are the items that are currently bugged and not remembering purchases.

I will list the node that has a part with an issue followed by the part it self.

Flight Control

  • MK1 SAS Reaction Wheel (20 torque value)


  • MK1 Universal Tail Section (x8)

Advanced Contruction

  • MK1 Structural Fuselage 2m
  • MK1 Structural Fuselage 5m

Supersonic Flight

  • MK2 RCS Tank 0.5m
  • MK2 SAS Reaction Wheel
  • MK2 Fuselage section 2m
  • MK2 Fuselage Section 5m
  • MK2 Universal Tail Section (x8)

Advanced Electrics

  • A1S Enclosed Spot Light (x2)

Advanced Landing

  • HDG-1-L Heavy-Duty Landing Gear (x2)
  • HDG-2A Heavy-Duty Landing Gear
  • HDG-2A-l Heavy-Duty Landing Gear (x2)

High Altitude Flight

  • S2 Fuselage Section 2m
  • S2 Fuselage Section 6m
  • S2 Cargo Bay 2m (x4)
  • S2 Cargo Bay 6m (x4)
  • S2 Universal Tail Section (x8)
  • S2 Monopropellant Tank
  • S2 SAS Reaction Wheel (53 torque value)


  • 1x1m Universal Panel
  • 2x2m Universal Panel (x2)
  • 4x4m Universal Panel (x3)
  • 8x8m Universal Panel (x4)

There may be more that are currently bugged or if this is intended I am sorry for wasting your time. If it intended can we get the duplicates removed from the in game menus? It kind of clutters up what is available

Thanks for taking the time to read my post I appreciate it. If i referenced a part not included in your pack I am sorry, I noticed this problem when I installed your new B-9 pack.

I am running the x32 bit version in compatibility mode on a 64 bit system.

If you require any more information Please let me know I will do my best to provide the info you are looking for.

Comments (11)

  1. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    Deprecated parts are meaningless and will not be fixed - they're going away a month or so after R5 is out.

    I'll take a look at the ones that aren't though I've no idea what could be causing it.

  2. Christian Gerefalk

    I suspect the trick we use to hide them is causing them to not properly save, I'm not sure what a good solution would be frankly.

  3. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    Like I said, the deprecated parts are so for a reason. I'm not going to remove them from the tech tree or you wont be able to load up crafts, and i'm not going to be bothered about people who cant RTFM about the deprecated parts.

    There's a lot of stuff in that list that's not deprecated though - that I will have to check out.

  4. Christian Gerefalk

    Hmm, put depricated parts on node 1? aka doesn't need to be researched? Yeah that means people can "cheat" by loading up old b9 craft first thing in a new career, but it sees a fairly small downside? I might be talking out of my arse though.

  5. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    Cannot reproduce.

    Please check that:

    • You're using KSP x32 (if on windows)
    • The only mods installed are B9 and the plugins that come with it
    • You're using KSP 0.24.2
    • Everything is installed correctly

    I'll bet good money another mod that edits the B9 parts is causing this.

  6. Andrew reporter

    I think I found it I had a hotrockets b9 config file in a folder I hadn't really associated with B9: MP_Nazari. I am terribly sorry for wasting your time, thanks for helping. I had removed other hotrocket configs that were in the base Gamedata folder.

    Awesome Mod by the way really enjoy it

  7. Leonardo Valeri Manera repo owner

    No worries, I'm glad we figured it out, it would have been a bad issue to ship with :)

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