Lift error

Issue #94 closed
Konstantin Shtepa created an issue

There a strange lift error when I add SH4x4Square wings to S2WideBody or to S2WideCargoBay in Symmetry mode. Lift added not symmetrically.

Upd. And there bug if these wings turned with keys "w w". Or maybe it KSP bug or Ferram bug(if it's this mod who calculates lift), because lift with stock Delta wings incorrect too.

Comments (6)

  1. Konstantin Shtepa reporter

    Uh. There was update on steam and now I can't give any picture or ship save until Ferram and B9 would be updated for KSP 0.25.

  2. Konstantin Shtepa reporter

    I can't reproduce this bug in 0.25 with Ferram 14.3.1 and B9 5.2.5, so I will close ticket.

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