Crash when mod load bars reaches the end on the loading page.

Issue #97 resolved
Kyle Runkle created an issue

I recently went through the forums and downloaded a few mods, B9 being one of them. When I launched the game it crashed right after the load bar filled. It crashed on B9 Cockpit s2 internal. After some tril and error removing other mods I have narrowed it down to either this mod or this mod in combination with my other mods. When I removed the mod the game ran fine. I tried to remove the internal graphics but the game still crashed.

The game loads B9 as one of the first mods. Then, after it reaches the end alphabetically, It tries to load additional B9 files and crashes when the bar is full.

GameData list B9_Aerospace BahaSP CommunityResourcePack CrossFeedEnabler DeadlyReentry ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads FerranAerospaceResearch Firespitter JSI KAS KerbalEngineer KerbalJointReinforcement KineTechAnimation Klockheed_Martian MagicSmokeIndustries Infernal Robotics MechJeb2 MP_Nazari NASAmission OpenResourceSystem ORSResourcePack ORSX ResGen SmokeScreen Squad StationScience TextureReplacer TreeLoader TweakScale UmbraSpaceIndustries Virgin Kalactic WarpPlugin WombatConversions ModuleManager.2.5.1 toolbar-settings.dat

Thank you!!!

Comments (1)

  1. Kyle Runkle reporter

    sorry, B9 simply drove me over the ram limits I have activetexturemanagement and all is working fine

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