
Issue #101 new
Cara Minden created an issue

I did a run through the game and collected a ton of feedback, I don’t know how many of these deserve to be full issues, so I figured I would just collect it all into one big set of issues/suggestions:

  • clicking and dragging items into inventory slots highlights the slot, but doesnt actually equip the item
  • "f" should close the inventory
  • in the tooltip for Ice Armor two of the details have "Affects" captialized and the "affects a square of length 1" is lowercase
  • Fire Bolt says it goes in one of 8 cardinal directions, but it seems to be able to target enemies at arbitrary angles
  • I had a lot of issues with equipping weapons, I was on the mage character which started with a staff, I got a short sword and a small shield and wanted to switch from staff to sword and shield, I had already noticed that clicking and dragging items into inventory slots doesnt work, so I clicked the short sword, assuming that would swap my staff with the short sword, instead it equipped the short sword to my left hand slot. No matter what I tried I could not get the shield to equip after this and was unable to re-equip the staff after removing it as well. I also was unable to equip metal caps, my theory is maybe some of these are size issues as some of the items were small and I was medium? but the game gave no indication of any issue, it just didn't let me equip some items.
  • I picked up a gold piece and the Gold indicator in the UI on the left side of the screen read as "n/a"
  • There are buttons on the inventory screen that indicate you can convert items on the ground to exp/gold/pp but they don't seem to do anything
  • '>' not descending stairs is sad
  • It seems like gold should stack
  • Couldn't figure out how to interact with altars, fountains, chaos runes, or use scrolls or butchery
  • I could smash a lever, but couldn't see a way to pull/activate it
  • Couldn't figure out how to wait
  • If there is one item on the ground "," should just pick it up, not open the inventory
  • Would be nice if there was a text log you could look through to see what happened
  • Unclear what the number next to the spell icon in the lower left of the screen indicates, I assumed it was going to be a shortcut to quick cast the spell, but that doesnt seem to be the case
  • Sometimes autoexplore slows down, it was not clear why this was happening
  • You should be able to instruct your character to walk to a point even if it is not in line of sight, this should just use the autoexplore rules and be interrupted if something unexpected is encountered, not being able to do this makes backtracking fairly tedious
  • There seem to be falling rock traps or something, but as far as I can tell they don't do anything, ok actually one time I did take damage from one, but I am not sure why I wasnt taking damage from others, did I avoid/dodge it or something? They seem to have started doing damage more frequently as I got deeper.
  • I was standing 2 squares north of the upstairs with 3 enemies in a line south of me, I cast Fire Bolt in a line to hit them all killing every enemy, I dont believe I clicked again or hit any movement keys, but was seemingly teleported west one square and south 3 squares on completing the cast
  • sometimes tooltips would fail to appear for items listed in the UI for items on the ground at your feet (not the one in the inventory) One time when this occurred when I would quickly mouse back and forth across the affected items a couple small green rectangles would appear, seeing this come up a few other times I think it is a fragment of a barely visible indicator of the squares highlighted between your character and your mouse (attached screenshot)
  • Given you can't move diagonally, it seems like you shouldn't be able to see through diagonal gaps like this (attached screenshot)
  • the text that appears above enemies heads when you kill them listing the loot they dropped can overlap if you kill two enemies simultaneously
  • It seems like cold touch might not take your turn, I was able to cast it 5 times in a row without enemies taking any actions
  • DV/PV readouts on the left of the screen don't update when you equip/un-equip gear in the inventory screen, they only update once you exit the inventory screen, this can be pretty confusing when replacing gear.
  • It's not particularly obvious that skills exist and you are gaining skill points, I didn't notice until around level 4, maybe some UI indicator telling you you have unspent skill points would be helpful
  • When I went down to the animated forest I was worried it would be pretty difficult without the ability to wait, so I decided to go back up to the big room to see if there was another downstairs, when I emerged on the big room floor my characters memory of the layout was missing from the main view, but the mini map still had the area uncovered, also the game seemed to start running much slower from then on, approximately 1 second per turn, eventually I just gave up because the game became too slow to play.

Comments (5)

  1. Lunc

    I agree, seeing some of the OG ADOM commands would be nice. Especially ‘,' for picking up an item. and “<“ “>” for stairs. Maybe even 'h’ for handle, with regards to stairs.

  2. Kristian Randalu

    “,” actually works, but a wrong way… like “f”. Expecting more like “auto pickup all”. But, never ever press F12 and do not do it repeatedly before understand what it does. evil grin

  3. Team ADOM GmbH repo owner

    Wow, thanks for the extensive feedback. Some of the issues were known to us (but too minor at this point to list), many are interesting discoveries. Probably all the points deserve to be individual issues TBH 😉 But we’ll somehow cope wit this report, too, I guess…

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