Item selection jitter

Issue #127 resolved
Joel Ryan created an issue

When pressing “f” over items on the ground, the mouseover image jitters when the mouse is over items.

I’ve drawn the box in the image below. To be more clear, when the mouse is in the top or right side of the leather armor in the fourth position, the mouseover image does not jitter. But if the mouse is over one of these objects and also within the box, I experience the jitter.

Comments (14)

  1. Joel Ryan reporter

    I have been able to reproduce this. It happens when the window is minimized in some way, either by clicking on another window like a browser, or using the Windows key + “d”.

    There are other jitter-area boxes. I found one in the body armor, belt and weapons area, and another one that is contained entirely in the ring slot.

  2. Joel Ryan reporter

    Unfortunately, It’s not easy to capture in a video because the jitter is so fast that it doesn’t look right in the video. Also, the video and the screenshots don’t capture the mouse.

    However, I realized what was happening. This is the real issue:

    Normally when you put your mouse over an object in the inventory, the mouseover info box moves around with your mouse as if it were attached. Also, if your mouse is on the left side of the ring box, the mouseover info box will be on the right side, and if your mouse is on the right side of the ring box, your mouseover info box will swap to the left. Opposite sides in other words.

    However, if you are in the inventory menu and you alt-tab to a different application on your computer, and then alt-tab back to Ultimate ADOM, then your mouseover infoboxes don’t move around. They show up and stay right where they are.

    The jitter happens when your cursor is inside, for instance, the ring box, and is also on top of the ring mouseover info box at the same time. Normally the mouseover infobox would be out of the way, but after leaving and re-entering the application the infobox has become static.

    What appears to be happening is that the game sees that the ring is being selected, so it creates the infobox. Then, since the ring box is being blocked by the infobox, it no longer counts as being selected. And so the box disappears. But of course now that it is gone, the cursor is now over the ring box again, and so the infobox turns on again, ad infinitum.

  3. Joel Ryan reporter

    I decided to draw the cursor onto some images to hopefully explain more clearly. You can see how my cursor is on top of the infobox in the top image, which shouldn’t be possible.

  4. Jochen Terstiege

    Sorry, I can’t reproduce this issue.

    I move the mouse to the right ring slot, the tooltip shows up. Then I press Alt+tab to go to a different application.

    without moving the mouse:

    Now I press Alt+tab again, the UADOM window is active again, the tooltip is still visible (the mouse pointer is not!). Once I start moving the mouse, the tooltip stays until I leave the equipment slot. Which is correct.

    with moving the mouse:

    If I move the mouse after Alt+tab, then the tooltip vanishes immediately after I Alt+tab back to UADOM. Or a different one shows up if I have moved the mouse to a different slot.

    We have also improved the boundaries of the slots, so can you reproduce this in version 0.1.2?

  5. Joel Ryan reporter

    I can indeed reproduce the effect in 0.1.2. Can you try the steps below and see if you get the same results?

    Go to the inventory window and move your mouse to the left and right sides of any piece of equipment. The Pop-up window flips to the opposite side as your mouse.

    Alt+Tab to reduce the window, and then Alt+Tab back.

    Now, when moving the mouse to the right and left sides of the box containing a piece of equipment, the pop-up window stays where it is.

    That is the heart of the issue I think. The flickering that I mentioned is really just a consequence of the fact that the pop-up box stays where it is, allowing the player to sometimes put their mouse on top of the pop-up box.

  6. Jochen Terstiege

    I guess we can close this issue as well. The next version will have a different way of dealing with the window focus (see Issue #131). So I can’t even test this problem anymore.

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