Direction key priority inconsistencies

Issue #135 wontfix
Joel Ryan created an issue

When holding the left arrow down, if the player then also holds the right arrow, the character seems to take a couple of turns right but then continues left. The same is true in reverse, and the same is true with up and down.

However, when holding left or right and then also pressing and holding up or down, the up or down will override the left or right.

This is so trivial and I’ve seen in many finished games but I wanted to report it just in case.

Comments (3)

  1. Jochen Terstiege

    Well, this is caused by Unity. They map WASD to two axis which then move (similar to a joystick) depending on your key presses. There is a specific order in which they are checked, I guess, so there is nothing we can do about this.

    Also we will replace this “axis” handling with our own routine at some point to better control key repeat delays, etc.

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