Radial menu not case sensitive

Issue #146 closed
Grond created an issue

It you have two options on the radial menu with the same letter in different cases (e.g. “c” and “C”), it’s impossible to activate the uppercase one using the keyboard - the lowercase one is selected when you attempt to activate the uppercase one.

Comments (4)

  1. Team ADOM GmbH repo owner

    Two issues here:

    • Case sensitivity does not seem to work on all operating systems.
    • In some situations (e.g. several peaceful monsters around you) radial menu entries can be generated having the same hotkey. In that case we probably should open yet another popup where you can select the specific option with a number key (currently I am very sure that there always will be less than 10 such duplicates for one option).

  2. Jochen Terstiege

    “c” vs. “C” works fine on macOS and Windows. In my case it was “c”ast (spell) vs. “C”lose (door) both of the time. I also had an option which used “Z” and this only could be used if I pressed shift+z and not z alone.

    I need to check Linux too, but the code that handles this should work everywhere.

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